New Students Class Schedule and Frequently Asked Questions
The Murray Irish Dance School trains dancers from ages 3 to adult in proper technique, traditional skills, movements, dances and the music of Ireland. Classes are taught by Geraldine Murray TCRG, Oregon’s first and longest certified teacher and the Pacific Northwest’s only dance teacher who is also a professional Irish musician.
We help you reach your full potential in a fun and supportive environment.
Our classes run year round and we also offer Summer dance camps .
New Classes Starting In January Registration IS NOW OPEN!
Fall is a perfect time to start Irish Dance with new classes starting in October.
Tír na nÓg (young folk) Ages 3-5 Years
Classes starting in spring
CHILDREN Ages 6-12 Years
Now Registering!!
Friday 4-5 pm
Sunday 11 am-noon
Now Registering!!
Sunday 3 pm
Advanced Level Classes
We have classes for Advanced Beginner, Novice/Prizewinner, and Championship Levels.
Contact us and we will place you in the proper level class.
Tin Whistle Classes
Taught by Geraldine Murray, our Tin Whistle Classes are for beginners who have little or no experience. She will get you started learning how to play the whistle and you will be playing Irish music in no time!
Classes starting in February
Tune Learning Class
Class Starting in February
Geraldine Murray also teaches our Tune Learning Class. She has a vast knowledge of Irish Tunes and over 50 years playing Traditional Irish Music. The class is open to musicians who know the basics on their melody instrument and want to expand their Irish music knowledge/tune base.
For the Tune Learning Class, Geraldine teaches:
Standard and not so standard session tunes and party pieces to wow your friends and relatives!
How to pick up tunes by ear.
Exercise basics, tips and skills to help you learn faster and get more from your home practice.
Phrasing and cadence for a more authentic Irish sound.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Irish Dance Classes?
Because it’s fun AND a great way to be active, meet new people and express yourself through dance.
Irish Dance is a perfect way to connect with Irish culture, but you don’t have to be Irish to learn and love Irish dancing and music. Irish Dance classes also teach skills and lessons that last a lifetime. At the Murray Irish Dance School we support our students so they can reach their full potential in a fun class environment.
Our Murray Irish Dancers…
Build listening skills
Build memory skills
Build physical strength
Build self confidence and independence
Learn attention to details
Learn balance and motor coordination
Learn how to dance with music
Learn how to work well with others and build team spirit
Learn to make new friends
Learn to set and achieve goals
Do I need any experience to get started?
No experience necessary!
Our beginner students start with basic techniques that include foot placement, balance, posture, understanding Irish music and how Irish dance fits with the music. We then teach movements that that are age and experience level appropriate. These movements are put together to form steps and these steps form dances .
In the solo dance classes, four soft shoe solo dances (Reel, Light Jig, Slip Jig & Single Jigs) are taught so dancers can gain understanding, foot control and co-ordination required to then learn hard shoe dances. Beginning dancers will also learn group dances during their classes giving them a chance to develop team skills.
Our Adult/Teen Ceili class will get you started right away learning group dances. It’s the perfect class for adults and teens who have little or no dance experience as well as those seasoned dancers wanting to get back into dance. No partner needed!
At what levels are classes taught?
We teach all levels in The Murray Irish Dance School, from absolute beginners that have no dance experience up to World Championship level dancers.
Classes are split according to experience levels and ages. We use the same descriptions implemented in CLRG competitions for sorting by ability: Beginner, Advanced Beginner, Novice/Prizewinner and Championships. Our Adult/Teen classes usually are a mix of beginner through advanced levels.
If you have prior Irish dance experience, Geraldine will determine what class will be the best fit for your dancer.
What do I wear to my first class?
Dancers wear:
Bike shorts, soccer-style shorts or leggings.
Socks (prefferably white socks)
If you already own Irish dance shoes or ballet shoes you can wear those; if not, socks are perfectly fine to get started in class. Geraldine will help you picking the preferred shoes to wear in class.
Do I need special shoes?
No special shoes needed to get started!
You can start out wearing socks for class. When you are ready for shoes, Irish dance shoes are available for Murray students to purchase at the studio.
When beginner dancers progress to the hard shoes, those can also be purchased through the studio so dancers have the correct brand and style for their level and age.
Why should I take classes with a Certified and REGISTERED instructor?
An instructor certified by and registered through our parent organization An Coimisiún Le Rincí Gaelacha (CLRG) in Dublin Ireland, has completed a certification known as TCRG (Teagascóir Choimisiúin le Rinci Gaelacha or “The Diploma of the Irish Dancing Commission”.) These teachers have passed a demanding multiple day examination testing the candidate’s physical skills, musicality, their practical knowledge of the dances and ability to teach appropriate material to various levels of dancers in both solo and team dances.
In addition to passing their certification test, a TCRG that is also REGISTERED with CLRG has additional requirements in order to teach. Registered TCRG’s are required to have a background check performed and compete SafeSport training courses on a regular basis. CLRG registered teachers are required to remain in good standing with CLRG as well as their local regional authority. in Oregon this is The Western U.S. Regional Council Inc. and the Irish Dance Teachers’ Association of North America (I.D.T.A.N.A.)
Do dancers compete? Do they perform in public?
Competition isn't a requirement of students at The Murray School. Many of our dancers take classes just for fun and for fitness. Others enjoy dancing in our public performances, especially around St. Patrick's Day. And many Murray students pursue competitive Irish dance, an opportunity afforded only to students at Irish dance schools with certified and registered teachers, such as ours.
Murray School students are encouraged to participate in our annual school sponsored Irish dance competition called The Portland Feis (pronounced FESH) and The City of Roses Feis. The Portland Feis is the longest running US Pacific Northwest Irish Dance competition. Competing in a Feis gives a dancer a chance to work on stage presence and confidence and is an independent analysis of their dancing helping them progress to the next level in their study.
There are also other local and regional competitions throughout the year in which our dancers regularly participate. The Murray School has a fabulous track record in local and major competitions. Murray School dancers regularly qualify to compete at The World Irish Dance Championships and have placed on the podium in solos at The World Irish Dance Championships know as Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne.
The Murray Irish Dancers Perform extensively throughout the Portland area all year round. Our performance troupe, which includes beginner through open championship level dancers, is especially busy around St Patrick’s Day. Being part of our performance troupe gives dancers at all levels of experience a chance to perform before a live audience and with live music. Our director, Geraldine Murray TCRG, is also an accomplished traditional Irish musician and plays the music for our performances with her band or as a solo musician. This gives Murray Irish Dancers a truly unique performance opportunity that not many schools in the entire US are afforded.
Do I need to purchase a performance or competition costume?
No, you do not need to purchase a performance or competition costume!
The Murray School has school costumes that are rented by the dancer, which makes it easy for dancers to get started with performances and competitions. Our costumes are not a one-time-use item and are designed exclusively for use by students in the Murray School.
At The Murray School, solo costumes are only worn in the championship levels for solo competition. The focus with our pre-championship dancers is on their technique and ability first and foremost. We have found that dancers are better prepared for championships when the focus is on their dancing, not on a solo costume.